Shock Waves

DolorClast® Radial Shock Waves

EMS Electro Medical Systems. The best and most innovative radial shock wave system.


What is DolorClast® Radial Shock Waves?

From the inventor of radial shock waves, the best and most innovative DolorClast® shock wave system. Millions of satisfied patients, positive, safe and effective clinical results.

Compressed air sent to the probe accelerates a projectile, which hits a fixed applicator at high speed (up to 90 km/h). The kinetic energy resulting from this movement is converted into a shock wave transmitted radially to the treated tissues.

The shock wave application is of short duration, usually lasting only a few minutes, which allows it to be combined with other therapies within the same session as recommended by Guided DolorClast® Therapy (GDT). The DolorClast® shock wave protocol generally includes a total of three to five sessions, scheduled at a rate of one to two sessions per week with a minimum interval of 72 hours between them. Always applied by our team of Physiotherapists


Pathologies indicated for shock waves

  1. Tendonitis (for example, patellar tendonitis, Achilles tendonitis)
  2. Tendinosis
  3. Plantar fasciitis
  4. Heel spur
  5. Myofascial trigger points
  6. Muscle injuries
  7. Calcifications
  8. Erectile dysfunction (low intensity shock wave therapy)

Remember that this list is not exhaustive and that the use of shock waves may vary according to medical criteria and the specific needs of each patient. It is important to consult a specialist to determine if shock waves are appropriate in your particular case.


The clinically proven efficacy of SHOCK WAVES provides results from the first session

The main advantages of shock waves include:

  1. Pain relief.
  2. Stimulation of healing and tissue regeneration.
  3. Reduced inflammation.
  4. Improved mobility and function.
  5. Dissolution of calcifications.
  6. Stimulation of bone regeneration.

In summary, shock waves can relieve pain, promote healing, and improve function in various conditions.

Ask us

If you want to benefit from this new treatment, ask us and our professionals will make a diagnosis to treat you in a totally personalized way.

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"El arte de devolver
al cuerpo su salud
y movimiento"

— David Ponce

"The art of returning
to the body its health
and movement"

— David Ponce

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